Til baka

Númer: 440

Skógvatn – ForStreams

Flokkur: Skógrækt og landgræðsla     Upphafsár: 

Tengiliður: Bjarni Diðrik Sigurðsson       Netfang: bjarni@lbhi.is   

The FORSTREAMS project studies the effects of afforestation and revegetation on aquatic fauna, water quantity and quality. Afforestation and revegetation have increased in Iceland in recent years, and further increase in anticipated. It is important to enhance knowledge on how a large-scale change in vegetation cover affects run-off water and aquatic fauna. Water is one of Iceland’s most important natural resources. It is used for hydropower production, for industrial and domestic use, for fishing and brooks, rivers and lakes are important habitats for many organisms. The effects of changes in vegetation on aquatic biodiversity, primary production and biogeochemistry of catchments has not been much studied in Iceland. Two M.Sc. theses will be produced on these effects within the FORSTREAMS project, which will take place both in southern and eastern Iceland during 2007-2010.

Helstu samstarfsaðilar:
University of Iceland
Institute for Freshwater Fisheries
Iceland Forest Service
Soil Conservation service
The project is also Iceland’s contribution to a Nordic/Baltic study, entitled CAR-ES (Centre for Advanced Forest Research on Ecosystem Services)