Til baka

Númer: 526

Endurheimt staðargróðurs

Flokkur: Skógrækt og landgræðsla     Upphafsár: 

Tengiliður: Ása L. Aradóttir       Netfang: asa@lbhi.is   

Endurheimt staðargróðurs á röskuðum hálendissvæðum – Restoration of natural vegetation on disturbed highland areas
The aim of this project is to develop and test different methods to reintroduce natural vegetation into disturbed highland areas. It is carried out at Hellisheiði in cooperation with Orkuveita Reykjavíkur (Reykjavík Energy). The project consists of several experiments and studies, including turf transplant experiments to assess the minimum turf size needed to restore heathland and grassland vegetation; and hay transfer experiments in order to assess which native species are able to colonize disturbed areas by hay transfer and the optimum cutting time for this purpose. Furthermore, seed production and the optimum time for seed collection of selected species are studied. The results are expected to improve procedures for restoration of natural vegetation on disturbed areas.

Helstu samstarfsaðilar:
Orkuveita Reykjavíkur