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Númer: 424

Þróun vistkerfa við landgræðslu

Flokkur: Skógrækt og landgræðsla     Upphafsár: 

Tengiliður: Ólafur Arnalds       Netfang: oa@lbhi.is   

Þróun vistkerfa við landgræðslu – Restoration of ecosystem functions on severely degraded land
The goal of the project is to define the development of soil and vegetation factors during restoration of desertified land in Iceland, and to establish the relationship between soil and vegetation development and ecosystem functions.  The project is based on a land reclamation research area in South Iceland consisting of 40 one-ha experimental plots, set up in a randomized block design with four replicates and ten reclamation treatments designed to meet a broad range of restoration goals.
A multidisciplinary approach is used, including studies of: 1) nutrients and biomass; 2) hydrology; 3) cryoturbation and surface stability; 4) soil parameters and soil development; and 5) vegetation dynamics. The results contribute to effective design and ecological assessment of restoration projects.

Helstu samstarfsaðilar:
Landgræðsla ríkisins
Rannsóknastöð skógræktar á Mógilsá